Light ROM 2
LIGHT-ROM 2 (Amiga Library Services)(1995).iso
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Text File
290 lines
Objector v1.0 DEMO (SHAREWARE) March 1st 1994
The main feature of this program is that it is able to merge faces and lines within an object.
This means you can reduce triangulation in objects and so reducing the number of polygons
in the object! In this way, you can import Imagine objects into Lightwave in a very efficient
way for faster rendering!
The program supports loading of objects in IMAGINE TTDDD format and VIDEOSCAPE format.
The program supports saving of objects in AutoCAD DXF format, saving group-objects in
separate layers, and also VIDEOSCAPE format (for loading in LightWave).
So apart from being able to merge faces and lines it is also an object converter.
The program includes a double buffered 3D display routine wich shows the object converted.
Note: The TTDDD Imagine object format is generated by an external command called
READWRITE. This command is part of the T3DLIB distribution written by Glenn M. Lewis.
The E-mail address of Glenn M. Lewis is GLEWIS@PCOCD2.INTEL.COM
READWRITE converts a binary imagine file to an ASCII imagine file, it can also convert
this resulting ASCII file back to the binary format.
The archive wich holds this distribution is called T3DLIB??.lha.
The only limitation of the demo version is the maximum number of points used in the loaded
objects. This maximum is 100 points!
Toine Beunes
Groenewegenstr. 42
phone. (voice) (0)15-121975
(BBS) (0)15-157954 TADD line 1
(BBS) (0)15-144825 TADD line 2
NOTE: This E-mail address is from a friend of mine, so make sure you mention my name
and the purpose of the message, so eventually you get the right response from
the right guy!
Registration to this program can be done by sending 25$ US in an envelope to the
address mentioned at the start of the program. This address should be the same as the one
mentioned above! Don't forget to mention your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE.
After I receive your letter I will send a floppy to that address containing the program
without DEMO-protection plus the C-source code of the entire program (mostly ANSI).
You may use the source for all non-commercial personal purposes.
If you deside to use the source code or a part from it in a commercial product you need
a written permit from me in person.
This program may only be distributed in the original archive OBJECTOR10DEMO.lha,
wich holds:
+ some test objects
The author of this program holds NO reponsibility for ANY damages due to the
use of this program. With other words 'use it at your own risk'.
- an option to triangulate the objects (from Imagine to Imagine object opti-
- full support of T3DLIB (direct loading and saving of binary Imagine objects)
- graphical interface
USER GUIDE Objector V1.0 March 1st 1994
start imagine.
select the detail editor.
load object.
save object (say: test.iob).
readwrite test.iob test.t3d
start Objector10
type 'LOADT3D test.t3d'
type MERGE -F-L
type 'SAVEVS test.vs'
type 'QUIT'
LOADT3D [<filename>]
loads Imagine object in TTDDD format.
if you omit the filename a file requester will appear, wich has a
standard assign to RAM:
The TTDDD Imagine object format is generated by an external command called READWRITE.
This command is part of the T3DLIb distribution written by Glenn M. Lewis.
The E-mail address of Glenn M. Lewis is GLEWIS@PCOCD2.INTEL.COM
READWRITE converts a binary imagine file to an ASCII imagine file, it can also convert
this resulting ASCII file back to the binary format.
The archive wich holds this distribution is called T3DLib39.lha.
LOADVS [<filename>]
loads Videoscape object.
if you omit the filename a file requester will appear, wich has a
standard assign to RAM:
MERGE [-f][-fl][-l][-o]
this command starts the merging process.
give [-f] if you want merging of the faces.
[-l] if you want merging of all lines.
[-o] if you want merging of lonely lines (lines wich are not used in faces)
[-fl] if you want to merge lines and faces at the same time.
This option is only usefull if MAXEDGES is set
MERGE -f ;merges the faces
MERGE -f-l ;after merging the faces it merges the lines
four commands affect the result after the merging process namely the commands:
Contol over the merging process:
MAXEDGES <number>
This command defines the maximum number of edges in a polygon. This is necessary
to get an object for DXF format, this format allows a maximum of 4 edges in a polygon.
It can also be used to get a grid-effect after merging an extruded faces.
The algorithm tests the number of edges in the resulting polygon after each merge
of two polygons. If the resulting merged polygon has to many edges
(greater than MAXEDGES) these polygons are NOT merged.
The algorithm does NOT check, if a resulting merged polygon that has to many edges,
can be merges with other polygons hereby creating a polygon that does complie with
the maximum number of edges. This is too time-consuming and needs a different algorithm!
However to optimize a bit, there is the posibility to merge the lines in a
resulting polygon after each merge of two faces. Thus reducing the number of edges
in the resulting polygon. This can result in further possibilities to merge!
This is the -fl option in the MERGE command.
If you don't use MAXEDGES (number set to -1) the use of the -fl option is a slow way
to obtain the same result as the -f-l options combined. So in this case the -f-l option
should be used.
to disable any maximum of edges in a polygon type: MAXEDGES -1
Creates a backface polygon for every merged polygon. Default=ON
It is allmost allways necessary to create a backface for every polygon in the object
because otherwise the polygons are only visible from one side (most 3D display
routines only draw polygons that face the viewpoint).
Test this option with a cylinder and you will understand the meaning of this.
A sphere could be converted with backface OFF, but only if the viewpoint stays
OUTSIDE the sphere.
This is the maximum angle between two polygons at wich merging will take
place. You should make sure that the merged polygons (triangles) are
indeed in the same face! Default=0.3 degrees
- setting this angle to big will result in faces being merged that are
NOT in the same face.
- setting this angle to small will result in NO merging.
The merging algorithm does the following; looks if two edges in two
polygons are the same, if so determines the angle between the polygons, if the
angle is smaller than or equal to FACEANGLE then merges the two polygons to a
new polygon. hereafter this polygon gets checked with all other polygons......
If you have two polygons wich are in the same plane and beside eachother,
but you don't want them merged, you have to make sure that they have NO common
edges (don't merge the points in imagine).
This is the maximum angle between two lines at wich merging will take
place. You should make sure that the merged lines (edges) indeed point
in the same direction! Default=0.3 degrees
- setting this angle to big will result in lines being merged that are
NOT pointing in the same direction.
- setting this angle to small will result in NO merging.
SAVEDXF [-f][-l][-p][-lo][-po] [<filename>]
give [-f] to save the faces
[-l] to save all lines
[-p] to save all points
[-lo] to save the lonely lines (lines not used in faces)
[-po] to save the lonely points (points not used in faces or lines)
Saves the converted object in DXF format (used by Auto Cad).
Each object in a group will be saved to a different layer.
If you ommit the filename a file requester will appear, wich has a
standard assign to RAM:
SAVEVS [-f][-lo][-po][<filename>]
give [-f] to save the faces
[-lo] to save the lonely lines (lines not used in faces)
[-po] to save the lonely points (points not used in faces or lines)
Saves the converted object in VideoScape ASCII object format.
If you ommit the filename a file requester will appear, wich has a
standard assign to RAM:
The object displayed is the triangulated impression of the converted
F1 = toggle display on/off
F2 = SOLID-WIRE display routine
F3 = SOLID display routine
F4 = WIRE display routine
F5 = BOX display routine
F6 = object statistics: number of points,edges,faces in an object
F7 = object statistics: number of faces with a certain number of edges
F9 = decrese rotate angle
F10 = increse rotate angle
SHIFT UP = rotate backward
SHIFT DOWN = rotate to front
SHIFT LEFT = rotate left
SHIFT RIGHT = rotate right
PHI <angle> = set horizontal angle
THETA <angle> = set vertical angle\n");
ZERO = all angles set to 0 degrees\n");
ABOUT = info about module QUIT = exit module\n");
Line editing:
UP = back in command history
DOWN = forward in command history
LEFT = cursor left
RIGHT = cursor right
DEL = delete character
BACKSPACE = cursor left + delete character
All prupose:
ABOUT = info about module and author
QUIT = exit module
HELP = Help
HELP key = Help